Minggu, 21 Mei 2017


Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat berikut ini dengan kata kerja bantu (auxiliary verb) yang tepat sehingga membentuk kalimat elips yang tepat!
1. Elia is a nurse. I am a nurse.
Elia is a nurse and so ________ I.
2. Luna likes jogging. Silvie likes jogging.
Luna likes jogging and so _______ silvie.
3. Hoho has a big dog. I have a big dog.
Hoho has a big dog and so _______ I.
4. Dewi is happy. We are happy.
Dewi is happy and so ______ we.
5. They play football well. We play football well.
They play football well and so ______ we.
6. She takes a Music course. Her brothers take a Music course.
She takes a Music course and her brothers _______ too.
7. I am tall. My sisters are tall.
I am tall and my sisters _______ too.
8. The boys are tired. The girls are tired.
The boys are tired and the girls _______ too.
9. The students make beautiful carvings. Their teacher makes a beautiful carving.
The students make beautiful carvings and their teacher _______ too.
10. Irvan sings loudly. We sing loudly.
Irvan sings loudly and we ______ too

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